A sign photographed in Campbell tract has recently sparked fierce debate among Anchorage locals. The sign in question was spotted by a local in the woods and reads: ‘It’s okay, my dog is friendly. No! No! it’s not okay! Respect others and their need for space.’
In short, this sign is designed to teach dog walking members of the public that just because their dog is safe, it still may make other walkers in the area feel uncomfortable around dogs. In short, it is designed to generate more awareness with dog walkers for the needs of others.

The image was originally posted on Reddit where on user claimed: ‘Off-leash parks are for friendly dogs Everywhere else, assume that if the other dog is leashed, they are not friendly. Leash your dog if you see another leashed dog, and do not let your dog approach a leashed dog if the area isn’t specifically off-leash. Common sense.’
However, another user added: ‘Is this really necessary? I mean my dog is fine and if no one is around then what’s the problem? Sometimes I think people in Anchorage just like to moan about things.’
As ever, it looks as though public signage is always capable of sparking debate no matter what it is about. The original post gained hundreds of comments which shows that this is clearly a big deal for certain residents.