A nationwide grassroots initiative, comprising mainly of concerned parents united under the banner of protecting their children from what they perceive as liberal indoctrination, has made a public plea for Americans to gather and engage in prayer at their state capitols on April 13. The organization, identifying with the hashtag #DontMessWithOurKids, voices a strong opposition against what it claims is a widespread assault on parental rights, including the management of children’s medical care, the preservation of sexual innocence, the freedom of worship, and the right to free speech.

The group emphasizes the urgent need for Americans to take a stand in prayer to secure the future well-being of their children. A key organizer highlighted the critical state of the nation, indicating a nationwide dissatisfaction and concern over the perceived threats to children’s welfare.

The call to action extends to Alaskans, urging men and women of diverse backgrounds to join the event scheduled to take place at the Capitol building in Juneau from 1 to 3 p.m. on April 13. The gathering aims to foster prayer, connection among attendees, and the development of actionable strategies.

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