Residents of Sitka recently voiced their ongoing concerns to the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC), urging the healthcare organization to reinstate its Medicare-certified home healthcare department, which was discontinued last fall. During a meeting on April 9, 2024, the Sitka Assembly deliberated on a resolution encouraging SEARHC to revive the department, which had been replaced by a “home based care” model in September. Although SEARHC argues that the new model delivers comparable services, many in the community have expressed dissatisfaction, claiming the replacement does not meet the standards of the former Medicare-certified services.

The resolution, championed by assembly members Kevin Mosher and Tim Pike, highlighted the assembly’s lack of expertise in medical care but stressed a respectful request for SEARHC to engage in meaningful public dialogue in Sitka. It also urged the consortium to consider bringing back the previous program, should it align with community desires and feasibility.

Aside from the healthcare discussion, the assembly’s agenda included potential authorization for the municipal administrator to pursue a $1 Million hydroelectric incentive grant from the Department of Energy. Additionally, deliberations were set to cover property tax exemptions for the Sheldon Jackson Childcare Center and Youth Advocates of Sitka.

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