Yesterday, a cocky pigeon was photographed on board a muni bus while brazenly standing opposite the seated passengers. Despite its colors subtly blending in with the color of the bus floor, it was fooling no one and even made it onto social media as a result.
Here, locals saw the funny side, with some commenting that the bird should be fined for avoiding paying its boarding fare. Similarly, others said that the muni transport police may have to investigate the matter.
The San Franciscan who snapped the image also had this to say: ‘This cutie flew all the way in, waited patiently for the destination and flew out without making a mess. Quite the honorable citizen, I say!’

With all jokes aside, this could have ended slightly differently had the pigeon became unnerved and started bothering the passengers. Nonetheless, it seems like a fun muni ride was had by all. This shows that sometimes, even the most mundane journeys can be transformed by something unusual or quirky.
However, it doesn’t look as though the pigeon has made this a regular affair, as besides this sighting, it has not been seen since on public transport. Nonetheless, we will keep you updated if it returns at some point in the near future.