Earlier this week, a controversial public parking sign went viral which helped highlight the chaotic laws of Baltimore’s city parking. Here, a green sign claimed to offer 2 hours of parking from 7AM-8PM. However, directly beneath it was a red sign pointing in the same direction. This said no parking from 8AM-3PM. As you may have figured, these signs contradict each other and are not easy to decipher.

According to one local however, there was an explanation. This gained hundreds of likes on social media, with others agreeing that it was the correct interpretation.
Here, they claimed: ‘Mon-Fri: even with a permit you can’t park there between 8am-3pm. With no permit you can park there for 2 hours or less from 3-8pm (permit holders can ignore the 2-hour limit), and can park for as long as you want from 8pm-8am, since the 2-hour limit starting at 7am doesn’t really matter since you have to be gone by 8am anyway for the trucks.
Sat: permit or no permit, you can’t park there between 8am-3pm, otherwise park as long as you want.
Sun: park anytime for as long as you want.’
Although this may be true, it also didn’t stop others from chiming in, who argued that the signage could be made clearer. As well, others even went as far to claim to be ticketed for failing to follow the confusing rules. However, thanks to one helpful Baltimore local, this problem may be solved for those fortunate enough to read the explanation.